Please navigate the links below if you are unsure of what is available in your area. We hope you find this helps.

can be the biggest hurdle.
LDAS have compiled information with our survivors
that they felt would be useful to all survivors.
silent solution
If you can not speak to the police you can still dial 999.
Listen to the questions and respond by making a noise such as coughing or tapping the handset. On mobiles, if prompted, press 55, which lets the operator know it is a genuine emergency and you will be put through to the police. (Note, if the operator does not hear anything from you, they will hang up.)
emergency SMS
If you cannot make voice calls, you can contact the 999 emergency services by SMS text from your mobile phone. It has been designed specifically for people with hearing loss or difficulty with speech. You will have to be registered with the service beforehand.
It is recommended if you require this service you register before an emergency takes place. To register, text register to 999, you will get a reply then follow the instructions you are sent. In an emergency you can text 999, then tell them which service you need e.g Police, what is going on and where the problem is happening i.e. your address.
victim care merseyside
Links to support services for victims of crime across Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton, St Helens and the Wirral.
witness service
The witness service can provide free, practical, emotional support and information if you are called as a witness to give evidence in a criminal court case.
For more information give them a call on 0300 332 1257
at LDAS we are funded to deliver support
to residents who live in liverpool.
below is some further information that may help.
if you are in Liverpool
citizens advice bureau
General Advice (Work, benefits, housing, family and immigration)
Phone: 0344 848 7700
Whatsapp: 07468 533 492
Debt Advice: 0300 330 1196
Help with Universal Credit: 0800 144 8 444
Pensionwise: 0800 138 3944
European Settlement Scheme: 0151 522 1400 extension 5002
LGBT Hate Crime: 0151 522 1400 extension 5006
Self-Employed Financial Capability: 0151 522 1400 extension 5011
LCSS (liverpool citizens support scheme)
0800 456 1523 or 0151 233 3053
If you find yourself in a crisis you can apply for support to get food and basic necessities for you and your family including gas and electric vouches (urgent needs) and furniture and home essentials (home needs). See eligibility criteria or you may be eligible if you experience an ‘emergency or crisis’ which includes moving due to violence or fear of violence. LCSS may also be able to help with costs associated with the move itself.
0151 707 1826 or 07708 381 568
WHISC work to improve the health and wellbeing of women and their families throughout Liverpool and the surrounding areas.
vauxhall law centre
0151 482 2540
Offers a free advice service for welfare benefits and debt matters.
0141 482 2475
Advice and assistance with benefits, debts and money management issues.
we are with you (drug or alcohol misuse)
Liverpool Central: 0151 706 7888
South Liverpool: 0151 471 7784
North Liverpool: 0151 546 1141
alcoholics anonymous
0800 9177 650
if you are in Knowsley
if you are in Sefton
merseyside domestic violence service (MDVS)
07802 722703
housing options
South Sefton: 0151 934 2541
North Sefton: 01704 501 256
Out of hours / emergency: 0151 934 3555
if you are in Halton
halton domestic abuse service
0300 11 11 247
if you are on the Wirral
wirral family safety unit (independent domestic violence advocates)
0151 666 4914
wirral women & children’s aid (refuge)
0151 642 9766
if you are in Warrington
national domestic violence contact numbers & links
national domestic abuse helpline (refuge)
Freephone:0808 200 247(24 hours)
Same number for elder abuse, honour based violence/forced marriage helpline
women’s aid
Online chat available on their website. They also have a domestic abuse directory to find support in your local area and lots of great resources.
age uk
Advice Line: 0800 678 1602
Age UK are able to help an older person at risk of domestic abuse.
jewish women’s aid helpline
0808 801 0500
karma nirvana
0800 5999 247
Supporting victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage.
forced marriage unit (FMU)
020 7008 0151
Foreign Commonwealth Office Advice on forced marriages.
hourglass (elder abuse)
0808 808 8141
0800 107 0726
if you are in need of support for sexual violence, abuse and harassment
if someone is stalking you
specialist national services for black and minority ethnic women
muslim women’s national helpline
muslim community helpline
0208 904 8193 or 0208 908 6715
Confidential, non-judgemental listening & emotional support service.
chinese information & advice centre
0800 201 1868
mental health support services
crisis line
24/7 mental health access line: 0151 296 7200 or 0800 145 6570
samartians (24/7 service)
116 123
help and support for children
careline (liverpool city council)
Adult Services: 0151 233 3800
Children’s Services: 0151 233 3700
the hideout
A website created by Women’s Aid giving support to children and young people affected by domestic violence.
YPAS (young person’s advisory service)
national youth advocacy service
0808 808 1001
Offers individual advocacy and a range of information, advice and support to ensure that the views, wishes and feelings of children and young people are respected. For people up to 24 years old.
child law advice line (CLAL)
0300 330 5480
Advice line for parents, carers, children and young people on a wide range of legal issues.
family rights group
0808 801 0366
Confidential advice to families whose children are involved with Social Services.
housing registered social landlords
0330 303 2222
rights of women guide to domestic violence & homelessness
housing rights information
If you have arrived in the UK to join a partner who is settled here, but have to leave your home because you fear or have experienced violence from your partner, this information applies to you.
General Advice Line (includes housing): 0344 848 7700
support services for immigration
asylum link (liverpool)
0151 709 1713
Can provide assistance with asylum support or other aspects of the asylum process, destitution support and English classes.
rights of women immigration helpline (national)
020 7490 7689
Monday 10am-4pm / Thursday 10am-4pm
A women’s charity working in a number of ways to help women through the law. They aim to provide women with the legal advice and information they need to understand and use the law and their legal rights. They also campaign to improve the law for women and increase women’s access to justice. In relation to immigration they can advise on:
- Claiming asylum
- The rights of Europeans and their families in the UK
- Trafficking
- Immigration law including domestic violence, long residence and family life
- Financial support options including for women with no recourse to public funds
citizens advice bureau (liverpool)
0344 848 7700
The CAB have immigration advisors in-house.
greater manchester immigration aid unit
0161 740 7722
Ask to be put through to the Liverpool office.
asylum info groups (liverpool)
07917 093 159
Offers group sessions and advice or information on the asylum process for newly arrived asylum seekers in Liverpool.
refugee council (national)
0808 196 7272
Services for refugees and asylum seekers.
migrant help
0808 8010 503
Advice to people applying for asylum support.
male survivors of domestic abuse
Paul Lavelle Foundation
Support line: 0151 651 3777
or a self referral form on their website
01823 334 244