we support survivors of abuse who are at different points on their journey

to living a life free from abuse.

We support women and girls who don’t fully understand what is happening to them, those who are not ready to leave their relationship, those thinking about leaving, those who have recently left and those for whom the abuse was many years ago.

The information below can offer support and guidance for any stage you or your loved one are currently living with.

am I in an abusive relationship?

If you think you may be in an abusive relationship or have left an abusive relationship, these questions may help you make sense of your experience.

thinking about leaving

It can be a frightening prospect to leave a relationship. Stay safe as you leave and review some information that may offer you some support.

safety at home & during an incident

Living with an abuser is difficult. If you are not yet ready to leave the relationship, stay safe with some support.

once I leave

You have taken the bravest of steps to leave your abuser. Stay safe with support and advice.

work & safety

Being able to work while living with abuse can be difficult. Safe travel, ability to focus can all be too much. This section may provide some support to help you with work and living with abuse.

keeping safe online

Information to help you cover your tracks online and stay safe when using technology.

supporting a loved one living with abuse

When someone you care for is being abused it can be difficult to know what to say. This advice may provide you with advice and guidance to keep you and your loved one safe.

how can I help my children?

You have worked hard to safeguard your children, is there anything else you may need to help you communicate with your children in order to support them through their experience.

coercive & controlling behaviour

Coercive control is a crime, but all too often it is not something that is easily recognised to those being abused or to a professional. This information may help improve understanding.


It may not be clear if what is happening to you is stalking. This information may address some questions you may have about stalking behaviour.

understanding LGBT+ experiences

LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse might feel that domestic abuse services are not for them or may not understand what has happened to them. We’ve compiled some helpful advice.

“My caseworker was amazing start to finish. She was always there if I needed to speak. She opened my eyes into what coercive control actually is and what was happening in my life and being done to me. I was in denial before and I didn’t think it was to the extent it was. She got me the answers and the help that I needed. I could always ring her up and she would support me.”

we're here for you.

get support today.