Slide SUPPORT CONTACTS Liverpool Domestic Abuse Service LIVERPOOL DOMESTIC
LDAS is a women-led , women only registered charity which has been delivering support to all women and girls in Liverpool, since 2006.

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– please remember to delete.

are you experiencing domestic abuse?

you are not alone.

LDAS is a grassroots community-based service that specialises in the support of women and girls who have experienced domestic abuse.

we believe that every woman has a right to:

Live free from abuse

Support her children to thrive

Make choices about her own life

Access the support she needs to recover

Use her voice

Live without fear

Live in a safe home 

Recover from the trauma she has experienced

Access employment and training


a right to live a life as the best possible version of herself that she can be.

Are you afraid of your partner?

Do you change your behaviour out of fear when with your partner?

Does your partner check up on where you are or follow you?

Has your partner stopped you, or tried to stop you from seeing family and friends?

If you answered ‘yes‘ you may be in an abusive relationship.

we're here to help.

don't suffer any longer.

am I in an abusive relationship?

If you think you may be in an abusive relationship or have left an abusive relationship, these questions may help you make sense of your experience.

thinking about leaving

It can be a frightening prospect to leave a relationship. Stay safe as you leave and review some information that may offer you some support.

safety at home & during an incident

Living with an abuser is difficult. If you are not yet ready to leave the relationship, stay safe with some support.

once I leave

You have taken the bravest of steps to leave your abuser. Stay safe with support and advice.

“ Working with LDAS has opened my eyes around the domestic abuse. Some parts of my experience I didn’t identify as abuse until I spoke to my caseworker and did the freedom programme. My caseworker has been really supportive and has helped me working with other agencies. I would highly recommend getting support from them”

we're here for you.

get support today.

we’ve helped many survivors.

our helpful services.

one to one support

You will receive an allocated support worker who can support you emotionally and practically to live a life free from abuse.


Counselling can help you understand your experiences of abuse. It can support you emotionally as you plan to leave or after you have left an abusive relationship.

group programmes

Group based support can help you work through your experience of abuse, supported by trained professionals and those who may have had experiences similar to your own.

from our helpful resources.

for the most difficult times.

Our vast resource section has been put together in consultation with our team of survivors so we know we’re giving you advice
that really does makes a difference – Find everything you need to start taking positive steps in your life today.

our funders.
